Understanding Why You Incarnated

spirituality Jan 25, 2024

Before incarnating into your human form, you chose a unique life path which includes your unique gifts, your purpose, the specific lessons you wanted to learn in this lifetime and the soul contracts with all the major players you asked to help you learn those lessons.

Remember that ultimately, this is Earth School. We are all here to grow and evolve.

Everyone has two purposes:

  1. An inner one (BEING)
  2. An outer one (DOING)

Everyone’s inner purpose is the same: to awaken to our true nature and divinity and recognize the Truth of our being.

Your outer purpose is to discover your unique gifts and passions and to then utilize those gifts and passions to contribute to the larger good of the collective.

Your inner and outer purposes are inextricably linked. The greater your awareness of Who you really are, the more awakened you are and thus the greater the positive impact you’re able to have on others and the collective.

When we are born, we forget the Life Plan that we designed for ourselves. This is normal and part of the human journey. As we grow up, we gradually rediscover our Plan by noticing the skills that come effortlessly to us (our gifts), and the things that light our souls on fire (our passions).

For millennia we have lived in a masculine energy dominated world where the conscious and logical mind has been revered and our intuition (the Divine Feminine) has been suppressed, ignored and poo-pooed.  This has made it challenging for many to rediscover their purpose and gifts because we have been trained to ignore our inner knowing, the voice that comes from within, and to instead listen to the voices of society, family and friends.

As more and more people are awakening and the Feminine is reclaiming its place on the throne next to the Masculine, it is becoming easier to get quiet and hear that inner voice. That inner knowing that is perpetually trying to guide you back to the divine path you intended for yourself.

Most of us know, deep down, what we came here to do, but doubt, fear and low self-worth paralyze us. The more of us who step into our power and show up authentically, the more others will feel safe and comfortable to do the same.  We are shiniest and brightest and at our most vibrant when we are fulfilling our Divine mission, that is uniquely ours. There has never been and will never again be a human exactly like you, with your unique combination of gifts, passions, personality, way of being and perspective.

Your voice matters. Your gifts matter. You matter. There are no accidents in this magical Universe. You came into being exactly as you are and exactly as you look, with your unique gifts and your unique voice to contribute to the elevation of our Collective Consciousness.

It’s time to stop hiding and playing small.

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